Achiral liquid crystalline material behaves like a four layer chiral ferrielectric phase and tries to unwind when temperature reduces

M. Salamonczyk, N. Vaupotič, D. Pociecha, R. Walker, J. M. Storey, C. T. Imrie, C. Wang, C. Zhu, E. Górecka, Multi-level chirality in liquid crystals formed by achiral molecules. Nature communications 8, 1922 (2019). pdf na 10.1038/s41467-019-09862-y.

Sculpting flow-aligned nematic domains in microfluidic environment.

T. Emeršič, R. Zhang, Ž. Kos, S. Čopar, N. Osterman, J. J. de Pablo, U. Tkalec, Sculpting stable structures in pure liquids. Science Advances 5, eaav4283 (2019). pdf

Intrinsic curvature dominated order parameter profiles and equilibrium membrane shapes.

L. Mesarec, W. Góźdź, A. Iglič, V. Kralj-Iglič, E. Virga, S. Kralj, Normal red blood cells’ shape stabilized by membrane’s in-plane ordering, Scientific reports 9, 19742 (2019). pdf

Schematic representations of electro caloric effect based devices.

E. Klemenčič, M. Trček, Z. Kutnjak, S. Kralj, Giant electrocaloric response in smectic liquid crystals with direct smectic-isotropic transition, Scientific reports 9, 1721 (2019). pdf

Schematic representation of a catenoid surface.

P. Kurioz, L. Mesarec, A. Iglič, S. Kralj, Assembling of topological defects at neck-shaped membrane parts. Physica status solidi. A, Applications and materials science 216, 1800722 (2019). pdf

Geometry of spherocylinders in simulations.

M. Ambrožič, S. Kralj, Field percolation-switching in soft ternary anisotropic system, Physica. A, Statistical mechanics and its applications 520, 11 (2019). pdf

Spin configurations in different “horizontal” planes.

M. Ambrožič, S. Kralj, Thickness induced line-defect reconfigurations in thin nematic cell, Advances in condensed matter physics 2019, 1 (2019). pdf

Schematic presentation of paranematic clusters embedded in the isotropic fluid.

D. Črešnar, C. Kyrou, I. Lelidis, A. Drozd-Rzoska, S. Starzonek, S. J. Rzoska, Z. Kutnjak, S. Kralj, Impact of weak nanoparticle induced disorder on nematic ordering, Crystals 9, 171 (2019). pdf

Temperature dependencies of dielectric constant for 5CB and 5CB+BaTiO3 nanocolloids.

A. Drozd-Rzoska, S. Starzonek, S. Rzoska, S. Kralj, Nanoparticle-controlled glassy dynamics in nematogen-based nanocolloids, Physical review. E 99, 052703 (2019). pdf

Report on high-resolution calorimetry and small-angle X-ray scattering measurements along the Smectic-A to chiral Smectic-C* phase transition of the liquid crystal 4-(2-methyl butyl) phenyl 4-n-octylbiphenyl-4-carboxylate with dispersed, CoPt nanoparticle-coated reduced-graphene oxide nanosheets.

M. Lavrič, G. Cordoyiannis, V. Tzitzios, S. Kralj, G. Nounesis, I. Lelidis, H. Amenitsch, Z. Kutnjak, The effect of CoPt-coated reduced-graphene oxide nanosheets upon the Smectic-A to Smectic-C* phase transition of a chiral liquid crystal, Liquid crystals 7, 1 (2019). pdf

Planar cells of 5OO8+1% colloidal particles in the nematic phase.

C. Kyrou, D. Tsiourvas, S. Kralj, I. Lelidis, Effect of superhydrophobic nanoplatelets on the phase behaviour of liquid crystals, Journal of molecular liquids 298, 111984 (2019). pdf

Schematic representation of bent-core liquid crystal confined geometry in photo-refractive ITO-LC cell fabrication

S. I. Asiya, K. Pal, G. S. El-Sayyad, M. A. Elkodous, C. Demetriades, S. Kralj, S. Thomas, Reliable optoelectronic switchable device implementation by CdS nanowires conjugated bent-core liquid crystal matrix, Organic electronics 32,105592 (2019). pdf

Curvature induced topological defects.

E. Klemenčič, P. Kurioz, S. Kralj, R. Repnik, Topological defect enabled formation of nematic domains, Liquid crystals47, 618 (2019). pdf

Budding of an erythrocyte membrane.

M. Draba, L. Mesareca, R. Imanic, M. Jerana, I. Junkare, V. Kralj-Iglič, S. Kraljf, A. Iglič, The role of membrane vesiculation and encapsulation in cancer diagnosis and therapy,Advances in Biomembranes and Lipid Self-Assembly 29, 159 (2019). pdf