Resonant soft X-ray scattering unmasks the nanoscale helical structure in soft matter materials with no electron density modulation

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Decomposition vs. Escape of Topological Defects in a Nematic Liquid Crystal.

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The isothermal (T = 368 K) pressure evolution of dielectric constant in 5OCB and 5OCB + NPs (BaTiO3, superparaelectric cubic phase) systems.

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S. Kralj, B. Murray, C. Rosenblatt, Decomposition of strongly charged topological defects, Physical review. E95, 042702 (2017). pdf

Twist-grain boundary phase stabilized by Au nanoparticles.

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Impact of curvature on topological defects.

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Non-axisymmetric vesicle shape calculated by MC simulations for the membrane composed of two isotropic constituents.

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Typical DLA networks used in our simulations.

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